
When deploying your dashboard it is better not to use the built-in flask development server but use a more robust production server like gunicorn or waitress. Probably gunicorn is a bit more fully featured and faster but only works on unix/linux/osx, whereas waitress also works on Windows and has very minimal dependencies.

Install with either pip install gunicorn or pip install waitress.

Storing explainer and running default dashboard with gunicorn

Before you start a dashboard with gunicorn you need to store both the explainer instance and and a configuration for the dashboard:

from explainerdashboard import ClassifierExplainer, ExplainerDashboard

explainer = ClassifierExplainer(model, X, y)
db = ExplainerDashboard(explainer, title="Cool Title", shap_interaction=False)
db.to_yaml("dashboard.yaml", explainerfile="explainer.joblib", dump_explainer=True)

Now you re-load your dashboard and expose a flask server as app in

from explainerdashboard import ExplainerDashboard

db = ExplainerDashboard.from_config("dashboard.yaml")
app = db.flask_server()

If you named the file above, you can now start the gunicorn server with:

$ gunicorn dashboard:app

If you want to run the server server with for example three workers, binding to port 8050 you launch gunicorn with:

$ gunicorn -w 3 -b localhost:8050 dashboard:app

If you now point your browser to http://localhost:8050 you should see your dashboard. Next step is finding a nice url in your organization’s domain, and forwarding it to your dashboard server.

With waitress you would call:

$ waitress-serve --port=8050 dashboard:app

Although you can all use the waitress directly from the dashboard by passing the use_waitress=True flag to .run():


Deploying dashboard as part of Flask app on specific route

Another way to deploy the dashboard is to first start a Flask app, and then use this app as the backend of the Dashboard, and host the dashboard on a specific route. This way you can for example host multiple dashboard under different urls. You need to pass the Flask server instance and the url_base_pathname to the ExplainerDashboard constructor, and then the dashboard itself can be found under

from flask import Flask

app = Flask(__name__)


db = ExplainerDashboard(explainer, server=app, url_base_pathname="/dashboard/")

def return_dashboard():

Now you can start the dashboard by:

$ gunicorn -b localhost:8050 dashboard:app

And you can visit the dashboard on http://localhost:8050/dashboard.

Deploying to heroku

In case you would like to deploy to heroku (which is normally the simplest option for dash apps, see dash instructions here). The demonstration dashboard is also hosted on heroku at

In order to deploy the heroku there are a few things to keep in mind. First of all you need to add explainerdashboard and gunicorn to requirements.txt (pinning is recommended to force a new build of your environment whenever you upgrade versions):


Select a python runtime compatible with the version that you used to pickle your explainer in runtime.txt:


(supported versions as of this writing are python-3.9.0, python-3.8.6, python-3.7.9 and python-3.6.12, but check the heroku documentation for the latest)

And you need to tell heroku how to start your server in Procfile:

web: gunicorn dashboard:app

Graphviz buildpack

If you want to visualize individual trees inside your RandomForest or xgboost model using the dtreeviz package you will need to make sure that graphviz is installed on your heroku dyno by adding the following buildstack (as well as the python buildpack):

(you can add buildpacks through the “settings” page of your heroku project)

Docker deployment

You can also deploy a dashboard using docker. You can build the dashboard and store it inside the container to make sure it is compatible with the container environment. E.g.

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

from explainerdashboard import *
from explainerdashboard.datasets import *

X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test = titanic_survive()
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=50, max_depth=5).fit(X_train, y_train)

explainer = ClassifierExplainer(model, X_test, y_test,
                                cats=["Sex", 'Deck', 'Embarked'],
                                labels=['Not Survived', 'Survived'],

db = ExplainerDashboard(explainer)
db.to_yaml("dashboard.yaml", explainerfile="explainer.joblib", dump_explainer=True)

from explainerdashboard import ExplainerDashboard

db = ExplainerDashboard.from_config("dashboard.yaml")'', port=9050, use_waitress=True)


FROM python:3.8

RUN pip install explainerdashboard


RUN python

CMD ["python", "./"]

And build and run the container exposing port 9050:

$ docker build -t explainerdashboard .
$ docker run -p 9050:9050 explainerdashboard

Reducing memory usage

If you deploy the dashboard with a large dataset with a large number of rows (n) and a large number of columns (m), it can use up quite a bit of memory: the dataset itself, shap values, shap interaction values and any other calculated properties are alle kept in memory in order to make the dashboard responsive. You can check the (approximate) memory usage with explainer.memory_usage(). In order to reduce the memory footprint there are a number of things you can do:

  1. Not including shap interaction tab.

    Shap interaction values are shape n*m*m, so can take a subtantial amount of memory, especially if you have a significant amount of columns m.

  2. Setting a lower precision.

    By default shap values are stored as 'float64', but you can store them as 'float32' instead and save half the space: `ClassifierExplainer(model, X_test, y_test, precision='float32')`. You can also set a lower precision on your X_test dataset yourself ofcourse.

  3. Drop non-positive class shap values.

    For multi class classifiers, by default ClassifierExplainer calculates shap values for all classes. If you are only interested in a single class you can drop the other shap values with explainer.keep_shap_pos_label_only(pos_label)

  4. Storing row data externally and loading on the fly.

    You can for example only store a subset of 10.000 rows in the explainer itself (enough to generate representative importance and dependence plots), and store the rest of your millions of rows of input data in an external file or database that get loaded one by one with the following functions:

    • with explainer.set_X_row_func() you can set a function that takes an index as argument and returns a single row dataframe with model compatible input data for that index. This function can include a query to a database or fileread.

    • with explainer.set_y_func() you can set a function that takes and index as argument and returns the observed outcome y for that index.

    • with explainer.set_index_list_func() you can set a function that returns a list of available indexes that can be queried.

    If the number of indexes is too long to fit in a dropdown you can pass index_dropdown=False which turns the dropdowns into free text fields. Instead of an index_list_func you can also set an explainer.set_index_check_func(func) which should return a bool whether the index exists or not.

    Important: these function can be called multiple times by multiple independent components, so probably best to implement some kind of caching functionality. The functions you pass can be also methods, so you have access to all of the internals of the explainer.

Setting logins and password

ExplainerDashboard supports dash basic auth functionality. ExplainerHub uses flask_simple_login for its user authentication.

You can simply add a list of logins to the ExplainerDashboard to force a login and prevent random users from accessing the details of your model dashboard:

ExplainerDashboard(explainer, logins=[['login1', 'password1'], ['login2', 'password2']]).run()

Whereas ExplainerHub has somewhat more intricate user management using FlaskLogin, but the basic syntax is the same. See the ExplainerHub documetation for more details:

hub = ExplainerHub([db1, db2], logins=[['login1', 'password1'], ['login2', 'password2']])

Make sure not to check these login/password pairs into version control though, but store them somewhere safe! ExplainerHub stores passwords into a hashed format by default.

Automatically restart gunicorn server upon changes

We can use the explainerdashboard CLI tools to automatically rebuild our explainer whenever there is a change to the underlying model, dataset or explainer configuration. And we we can use kill -HUP to force the gunicorn to restart and reload whenever a new explainer.joblib is generated or the dashboard configuration dashboard.yaml changes. These two processes together ensure that the dashboard automatically updates whenever there are underlying changes.

First we store the explainer config in explainer.yaml and the dashboard config in dashboard.yaml. We also indicate which modelfiles and datafiles the explainer depends on, and which columns in the datafile should be used as a target and which as index:

explainer = ClassifierExplainer(model, X, y, labels=['Not Survived', 'Survived'])

db = ExplainerDashboard(explainer, [ShapDependenceTab, ImportancesTab], title="Custom Title")
db.to_yaml("dashboard.yaml", explainerfile="explainer.joblib")

The is the same as before and simply loads an ExplainerDashboard directly from the config file:

from explainerdashboard import ExplainerDashboard

db = ExplainerDashboard.from_config("dashboard.yaml")
app =

Now we would like to rebuild the explainer.joblib file whenever there is a change to model.pkl, data.csv or explainer.yaml by running explainerdashboard build. And we restart the gunicorn server whenever there is a change in explainer.joblib or dashboard.yaml by killing the gunicorn server with kill -HUP pid To do that we need to install the python package watchdog (pip install watchdog[watchmedo]). This package can keep track of filechanges and execute shell-scripts upon file changes.

So we can start the gunicorn server and the two watchdog filechange trackers from a shell script

trap "kill 0" EXIT  # ensures that all three process are killed upon exit

source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual environment first

gunicorn --pid gunicorn_dashboard:app &
watchmedo shell-command  -p "./model.pkl;./data.csv;./explainer.yaml" -c "explainerdashboard build explainer.yaml" &
watchmedo shell-command -p "./explainer.joblib;./dashboard.yaml" -c 'kill -HUP $(cat' &

wait # wait till user hits ctrl-c to exit and kill all three processes

Now we can simply run chmod +x and ./ to get our server up and running.

Whenever we now make a change to either one of the source files (model.pkl, data.csv or explainer.yaml), this produces a fresh explainer.joblib. And whenever there is a change to either explainer.joblib or dashboard.yaml gunicorns restarts and rebuild the dashboard.

So you can keep an explainerdashboard running without interuption and simply an updated model.pkl or a fresh dataset data.csv into the directory and the dashboard will automatically update.